“For this edition of CREATIVE EDGE, I wanted to summarize the experience from the ‘ORGANICS’ Sostenible con Flores workshop just completed. To create a design that is100% Organic… so that the disposables are 100% home compostable and the base/container/structure, also created with organics that are reusable and does not harm the planet.
The lessons learned will be an important part of future teaching, and are necessary thinking applicable to the current environmental status.
- 100% Organic is not only doable, but the challenge took us to an exciting new purview… aspect or direction desired toward sustainable floristry.
- 100% Organic is also good for the consumers… they are able to safely dispose of the perished bouquet directly into their home compost without having to separate out the pollutants or recyclables.
- learned to identify safe materials that will not harm the wellness of the planet.
- learned to delve into the identity of single use pollutants/contaminants which are unsafe for our use.
- learned to decipher the verbiage used in environmental science so we understand clearly the status of each product we use.
- many alternatives were found… in material and in methods and techniques for floristry. This was very exciting!!”
“Ultimately we were re-examining our current design processes with a new set of eyes to figure out how we
can aim for more sustainable practices… professionally. It then becomes an individual person to person mindset as to how one can set boundaries for themselves for the consumption of single use pollutants… and how much more reuse, repurpose and recycling might be beneficial.
Foremost, I felt compelled to start voicing publicly about the therapeutic practices of ORGANIC designing
and its positive impact for our profession, for our planet. Its marketing appeal grows stronger everyday as
the younger generation clings closely to their belief and goal, to bring back wellness to the planet for their
I created 3 set of 100% Organic mechanics which were created for ORGANICS Vertical, to best illustrate the methods in which the design concept and the flowering that resulted.
The term ‘GARDEN NOUVEAU’ in this article describes a design in which a good portion of the botanicals used were from my garden, own plant or foraged… blended with flowers purchased from the wholesaler. Also I chose to feature the use of Love in a Puff Vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum) which we have in
abundance in the garden, and I wished to use them to my heart’s content this season… unapologetically… They grow easily… they harvest easily… the foliage are soft, but hold up well for up to 2-3 days using Quick Dip treatment. After which, if you strip the leaves, the fine green vine with very fine tendrils and the lovely green puffs last for 7-10 days in water. And then can be dried…. Amazing material!!!
‘Beeswax Fibre Structure’
“The structure for this design was built on a Cedar wood board with indented tray built in… whose surface was water-proofed and sealed with beeswax sheet, heat gunned to shape to hold water. 2 upright Marshmallow bamboo skewers were tightly wedged into the vertically drilled holes to build a template with crossbars of shorter skewers attached with waxed hemp string (alternative for bindwire). Long strands of organic wool (thick) were dipped in a pot of hot beeswax…. while cooling, they were shaped into curvy noodles which were attached to the upright structure to add extra dimension. Dried Fasciated Willow were tied to this structure to add interest to the final framing for flowering. The water source for the flowers were the dish at the bottom and Equisetum water tubes for short stems.
The Cosmos, Steelgrass, Sanguisorba, Carnations, all the Grasses, Clematis and Ranunculus are all long stems from the base. The Love in a Puff Vine and Phalaenopsis stems are in Equisetum water tubes (fat ones).
Note: Waxed hemp string is best tied once and squeezed and twisted to tighten and hold.
From the Garden & Plants – Cosmos bipinnatus; Love in a Puff Vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum); Phalaenopsis var.
From the Wholesaler – Ranunculus asiatica; Clematis integrifolia ‘Amazing Roma’; Sanguisorba ‘Pink Tann’; Dianthus caryophylla ‘Legge Marrone’; Steelgrass (Xanthorrhoea johnsonii); Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum); Miscanthus sinensis ‘Red Cloud’; Equisetum
Cedar Wood Board; Beeswax sheet & block; Marshmallow bamboo skewers; Regular bamboo skewers; Organic thick Wool; Waxed Hemp string; Equisetum Watertubes; Dried Fasciated Willow
‘Sisal Mesh & Bamboo Structure’
“This vertical structure was built on a Mycelium foam blocks (alternative to Styrofoam) wedged inside a low
ceramic rectangle as insertion points for the vertically positioned tall marshmallow skewers. An open weave
sisal mesh wrapping were pushed down in folded layers over the skewers to create a dimensional structure
as an alternative to chicken wire. Into this frame, dried Stipa grass bundles were woven in, along with
natural dried skeleton leaves (Bodha fig) on sticks strategically threaded in to create a transparent and light
dried botanical structure.
70% of the fresh stems of flowers are in Equisetum watertubes inserted into the weave. Amaranthus caudatus are short stems inserted into extended Polygonum watertubes. The other 30% were longer stems which reached the water below. The combination of dried and fresh material created a dreamy, ethereal mood to this Garden Nouveau
Some of the blooms in the garden with short or bent stems were very useful in this design… such as the Poppy and the delicate Scabiosas which had fallen over from the downpour. Love in a Puff Vine in this design can be sourced from any part of the structure and strung through to get the perfect positioning of the pods in the design. Their stem end is re-cut and Quick Dipped just before they are inserted into the equisetum tubes.
From the Garden & Plants – Cosmos bipinnatus; Dahlia ‘Tsuki Yori’; Zinnia elegans; Poppy ‘Pandora’ (Papaver rhoeas Shirley); Love in a Puff Vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum); Scabiosa atropurpurea; Amaranthus caudatus ‘Coral Fountain’; Phalaenopsis var.
From the Wholesaler – Rose ‘Amnesia’; Scabiosa stellata pods; Veronica officinalis; Miscanthus sinensis ‘Red Cloud’
Ceramic container; Organic Mycelium foam; Marshmallow bamboo skewers; Regular bamboo skewers; Sisal Mesh Wrap; Waxed hemp string; Dried Skeleton Leaves (natural Bodhi Fig – Ficus religiosa); Natural dried Stipa grass (Stipa tenuissima); Equisetum watertubes; Polygonum watertubes
‘Birch Bark, Hemp & Willow Structure’
“This vertical Organic design is more formalinear in nature, starting with the structure based in a ceramic round dish. Several varying width and lengths of birch bark strips were wedged inside the outer rim of the container… overlapping one another. The layers were opened with thin wedges of hemp insulation used as organic textural spacers which drink water. This mechanics within the container allowed for easy insertions of dried fascinated willows to establish a beautifully curvilinear supporting uprights for this design. They are connected together, attached with waxed hemp string to create an organic trellis for the Love in a puff vine to drape freely.
The split pieces of Accordion palm and Mini Callas then are designed curvaceously into this mechanics,
anchored by Tillandsia xerographica plant with Phalaenopsis blooms occupying the focus emphasis area. Texture, curvature, linear flow and transparency plays into a more minimal flower use within the silhouette of the design. The negative space…. the vacant space in this design… is an intentional designed space.
From the Garden & Plants – Phalaenopsis var.; Tillandsia xerographica; Love in a Puff Vine (Cardiospermum halicacabum); Lathyrus odoratus vine
From the Wholesaler – Zantedeschia elliottiana; Chocolate Lace (Carota daucus); Accordion Palm or Whaleback (Curculigo capitulata)
Ceramic container; Birch bark strips; Hemp insulation; Waxed Hemp string; Dried Fasciated Willow; Equisetum watertubes