Lesson One: Bouquets Structures Shown
Hitomi’s Study Notes

Tool List

  • Non-stick Titanium Scissors

  • ARS Choki Cutter (primary wire cutter)

  • Needlenose Plier (serrated edge)

  • Endcutter (for extra twist and cut on bindwire twists)

  • Chickenwire Cutter (Flart from Japan)

  • ARS Pruner (the best stem cutter for flowers)

  • Xacto Knife (retractable florist knife)

Supply List

  • Bindwire (tan & green) – Smithers-Oasis product

  • Chickenwire or coated Poultry Netting (12”wide) – Smithers-Oasis or Sydicate Sales brands

  • Wiremesh (gold – it comes in silver and copper as well) – Smithers-Oasis product

  • Rustic Wire (brown) – Smiothers-Oasis product

  • UGlu Dashes – Smithers-Oasis product

  • #20 gauge Florist Wire

  • Florist Tape (light green)

  • IKEA Torka Willow Whips

  • Rubber Bands

Prepared Components

  • Yarn-covered Wire Extenders

  • Raffia-covered Wire Extenders

Base Mechanic #1 Chickenwire Pillow

  • Cut off from the roll of chickenwire (12” wide) in the middle of the 5th cell to create the small pillow

  • Cut off from the roll of chickenwire in the middle of the 6th cell to create the medium size pillow

  • This size serves as an alternative to 1/3 brick of foam.

  • Overlap the seam to create a flattened square.  Then twist the bundle of wire ends a full once or twice and bend it to the inside of the pillow. Complete all wire ends across the top and the bottom this way.

  • Store these prepared pillows flat.  Make many… 10 or more at a time.

  • Puff up the pillow when preparing to use it.

Structure #1  Simple Vertical Structure with Chickenwire Pillow

  • Attach a short piece of Torka Willow stick vertically, by bindwiring in 2 spots on the small pillow, to create the handle.

  • Attach multiple lengths of Torka Willow sticks vertically through the chickenwire pillow and bindwire them in place. It helps to use ¼ Uglu dash to tighten the adhesion on each binding spot.

  • 2 bindwired spots per stick, to maintain the verticality to stay as parallel as possible.

  • Possibly add yarn-covered or raffia-covered wire extenders to vine through and connect the vertical elements to make the structure sturdier.

Structure #2  Simple Horizontal Structure with Chickenwire Pillow

  • Attach short piece of Torka Willow stick vertically, by bindwiring in 2 spots on the pillow, to create the handle on a small chickenwire pillow.

  • Attach multiple lengths of Torka Willow whips horizontally through the chickenwire pillow (attach at 2 bindwire points per stick to maintain horizontality. ¼ piece of UGlu dash will help tighten the adhesion at the bindwire twists.

Structure #3  Horizontal Structure with Wire Mesh

  • Create a narrow cylinder with wiremesh cut with spikes at the end of 6 or 7 cells, the full width of the roll.

  • Roll into cylinder with 1 cell overlap and spike the wire ends over one full wrap at the attach points

  • Attach 2 long length (12-24”) of Torka sticks and attach horizontally along 2 opposite spines on the roll top to bottom… bindwired every 4 or 5 cells.  Tighten the twists with endcutter and make a clean cut to finish.

  • Add 2 short lengths of Torka sticks, bindwired to the structure perpendicularly and gathered at the bottom to create the handle.  Use the ¼ piece of UGlu dash to make the binding tight and secure.

  • Embellish the structure with design components such as wire extenders, branches, grasses, etc. to start the design.

Structure #4  Basic Wire Structure ‘European Rosette’

  • Prepare 13 pieces of 20 gauge wire with light green tape

  • Fold one piece in half to use for the handle

  • Gather and tape the bottom of the bundle of 12 taped wires, 1 ½ to 2”

  • Insert the handle into the 1 ½ to 2” taped bundle, and tape the whole thing together, smoothing the bump down from 14 pieces to 2.

  • Watch the demo to create the rosette making process.

Structure #5  Taped Wire Rosette over Tapered Chickenwire Pillow

  • Variation of the ‘European Rosette’ Wire Structure

  • Shape the small chickenwire pillow, pointed at the bottom and tapered to fit into the flared shape from the handle

  • Bindwire the flared wire shape to the chickenwire pillow

  • At the point above the pillow, flare out further into the rosette patterning.

  • This structure has a different flowering potential

Tips on Round Reed Bundle Management

When preparing to use the round reed lengths to begin your structural work, cut the ties on the and

Bongo-tie at 10 to 12 “ interval to keep the lengths separated so it’s easier to pull out each strand. This way, you can avoid the tangling up of the ends.

Base Mechanic #2  Round Reed Basic Structure

  • Cut the #3 Round Reed into multiple lengths (12-15” long)

  • With each length, create loop at the end, bindwire in 2 to 3 spots and trim ends

  • Bundle these together to create a base structure with a handle

Structure #6  Round Reed Curvilinear Structure

  • Bundle 3 matching lengths of round reed and bindwire tight at 6-8” intervals to create sturdy arcs

  • Attach these bundled arcs over and through the structure base piece #12, with bindwire to create curvilinear structure

  • Use the endcutter to twist and cut clean each bindwired spots.  Allow the twist to bite into the reed for firmly bound grip.

Structure #7  Round Reed Curvilinear Structure with Bound Arcs Only

  • Variation of Round Reed Structure

Base Mechanic #3  Round Reed Tatami Circles

  • Structural mechanics for Tatami Circles… to be used in various structures construction

Structure #8  Round Reed Tatami Circle with Curvilinear Arc Overlay Structure

  • Variation of Round Reed Structure with Tatami Circle Addition